Friday, March 22, 2013

Daniels Run Early Learning Lab

DRES students have truly enjoyed the creation of our new Daniels Run Early Learning Lab.  This program is designed to enhance specific standards of learning in order to help your child be successful and feel confident in math class. 
The curriculum involves games and interactive experiences that are motivating and fun for students. These experiences are designed to provide a high level of support to your child, as he or she works in a small group setting. Stay tuned for more exciting Early Leanring Lab activities and achievements in the months to come!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Inch and Miles: The Journey to Success


Fun things are happening in sixth grade in the third quarter!  Students are working hard learning and demonstrating their understanding what it takes to be successful.  Students have been reading about the Inch and Miles: The Journey to Success over the last few weeks and have created Reverso poems, visuals, and comic strips for each of the steps. 

In the upcoming weeks, students will dive into a HUGE research project where they will research and present information on a person from the American Revolution or an influential scientist.  Sixth graders are eager to learn how to use different modes of technology for research or presentation purposes.  We can't wait to see their presentations! 
Students in Ms. Large's class have been working on Document- Based Questioning assignment investigating the causes of death in colonial Jamestown.  Students in Ms. Large's class have been working on Document- Based Questioning assignment investigating the causes of death in colonial Jamestown.
Some other things we are looking forward to include our field trip to Gettysburg and raising American Shad fish in our classroom.